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Bert Evans Exhibition


11th May –1st June 2019



I think the working title, the artist has chosen to describe his work says so much about the sort of straightforward, direct person he is without frills or pretensions and this is how he approaches his subjects.


Not for him some exotic sun-drenched location to paint, but streets he walks through everyday in Neath, Port Talbot, Pembrokeshire in all different weathers, and there's nearly always people to be found, going about their everyday tasks.


Scenes most take for granted and of little consequence, but of course he sees it quite differently.


 I think what sets his works apart are his observational skills, and experimental use of colour.


He knows what he wants to say instinctively and knows how to say it and wants to share it with everyone.


Bert has included some masterful portraits, in watercolour, gouache and acrylic and has recently sold to Michael Sheen and Rob Brydon.



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