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Janet Halligan


I make 'trompe l'oeil' sculptural pieces and hand-built vessels in stoneware. The realistic work consists mainly of bags, shoes and 'cardboard boxes' filled with tools or bric a brac.

These are often modelled from life and reflect the wear and tear inflicted on them by the wearer/user. The vessels, chiefly jugs, mugs and teapots have evolved from the sculptural work and usually feature fastenings such as buttons, laces or latches. The work is mostly hand-built from sheets or slabs of lightly grogged buff stoneware body.

Occasionally, I use porcelain or white stoneware for selected items. I use a range of other techniques such as extrusions-notably for laces and often impress items such as zips into the clay. I use an extensive range of stoneware glazes and low-fired metal lustres to achieve realistic trompe l'oeil effects.

Currently, I am developing a range of sculptural pieces inspire by landscapes notably the Alpujarras in Southern Spain.

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