ARTISTS / Thomasin Toohie

Oil on canvas 2ft x 1.5ft £350

oil on canvas £750

oil on canvas 3ft x 2ft. £550

Earthenware 18 x 20cm

White Earthenware vessel 6 x 7 inches £250

White Earthenware 5 x 6 inches NFS
I live and work a stone throw from the English border. I am a ceramicist .painter and musician. My painting describes the overlooked narrative. I am interested in American realism and my work features automobiles and aspects of the highway.
My ceramics are linked closely with the narrative songs which I write and perform. Often sharing a title with a line.
The ceramics are earthenware. hand built and fired three times. I am interested in the 3d. surface becoming a painting. Her ceramics are also informed by aspects of popular culture