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ARTISTS / Debbie Court

Debbie Court is a sculptor in papier mâché living in Cardiff. She has been part of the Welsh Arts scene for 40 years - in both music and the visual arts - but now works exclusively as a sculptor from her studio in Cardiff.

She is in demand as a portrait sculptor and regularly accepts commissions from all over the world. Her work is in private collections in the UK as well as in America, Australia, France, Germany and the Netherlands.


Debbie takes the traditional ingredients of papier mâché such as newspaper, glue and flour, and creates a kind of ‘clayʼ which she sculpts onto an armature made of newspaper, masking tape and wooden cocktail sticks. The resulting sculptures are delicate, figurative pieces - almost always of the human figure - and are full of detail and texture whether she leaves the piece in its natural colour or employs a delicate palette of coloured powders and tissue papers. Fascinated by facial expression, anatomy and movement, Debbie sculpts beautiful portraits of the human form in action or at rest. Her work is full of vibrancy and emotion, encouraging imagination and inspiring story-telling.

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