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Karen Pendry is a Contemporary Artist who was born in Gower, Wales - an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, where she continues to live and paint.

Her creative career began whilst studying art to become a teacher. Karen has become a well-established artist with her work being widely exhibited and winning several awards. 

She also works by commission for private buyers with many paintings being held in collections in the U.K. and internationally.

Her work is essentially abstract in character and explores the juxtaposition of pattern and shape in the environment, using a mixture of acrylic and oils. 

Each piece is an evolving story and totally unique, with a strong sense of energy and movement.  The fluidity of the abstracts invites the viewer to stand back and use their imagination, as the whole stunning image appears. Her use of paints captures the natural environment producing powerful images, which makes viewing each piece a sensory and emotional experience. 

Karen is passionate about the environment, and she hopes that her artwork prompts the viewer to connect with the natural world around them, by tapping into the positive emotions felt when looking at the pattern and texture of nature in art - fleeting happy emotions caught in paint.

Her paintings are enhanced by texture and gold or silver leaf which catch the light in very different ways, giving them a rich 3D effect. 

The paintings capture the interplay of light and vibrant colours to produce qualities of mood and atmosphere which need to be seen in situ to be fully appreciated.

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