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Rosemary Cassidy Buswell - Painting

Judith Railton - Fibre art


1st - 29th October 2022


Rosemary Cassidy Buswell statement -


Ritual: a language older than words, a means of attuning ourselves with one another, to the land and to nature, and to the invisible world of the spirit.  Any gesture done with emotion and intention is a ritual.  The creation of a piece of art is a ritual. 


I have long been interested in pictographs, petroglyphs and cave paintings of the ancient world, where the imagery and creativity of our bygone ancestors tells us that they were intelligent people with a system of language and beliefs that we will never fully fathom, but which indicate a wisdom of nature and an understanding of the earths rhythms and the cycles of the solar system. 


Archeological finds from across the world all point towards a seemingly universal belief in The Great Earth Mother, or Goddess, and a time when women were revered for their life giving ability. These treasures are the most potent and persistent feature in archeological records. The sun and nature was clearly respected and vital to survival during Palaeolithic and Neolithic times.  Dwellings and earth mounds in the shape of the female form, and thousands of figurines hint at rituals to honour the divine feminine which has been lost for millennia, but did exist, of which there is now little doubt.


This body of work is inspired by my research of the many universal Goddesses, and the signs and symbols of ritual which appear around the globe.  Whilst most will continue to remain a mystery I have interpreted them in my own way, as I find them fascinating and beautiful in their own right.  I believe that the female potential for nurture, healing and peace needs to be re-ignited into Western consciousness, and that if Mother Earth could once again receive the respect she deserves, we could go some way towards dealing with the current and very real environmental crises of our planet. 


RCB, August 2022 ©


Judith Railton statement -


The summer maypole at primary school started it for me plus an early love of mystical stories.
Most years I make a maypole - stick and ribbons; topped with a fresh garland of herbs, flowers and greenery.
My garment pieces and figures belong to an imaginary world of seasonal rituals, where nature and music are key.
The participants may wear masks that speak of older earth powers , yet they are benign.
My recycled fabrics I’ve dyed with plant material - larger pieces with avocado skins and stones, smaller scraps with elderberry, nettle , onion skins.
I draw directly onto the fabric with a waterproof pen. Compose music to become part of it.
During Covid Lockdowns I walked each day, even in the depths of winter. Stopping to draw and write a haiku - sitting in a field, a wood; using salvaged paper , colouring with flowers, leaves, mud, lichens - a wall or a tree for a table.
Facebook - Judith Railton
and Re-View Textile
YouTube - Judith Railton ‘eco-dyeing’, ‘haiku’, and more .
Instagram - jud_beb


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