Painting with Cloth
Textile exhibition by Cas Holmes.
Saturday 5th October – Saturday 2nd November
Meet the Artist Evening - Saturday 12th October at 6pm.
This exhibition explores the connection between landscape, people and place. Collecting found materials as she goes, Cas Holmes creates marks with cloth, paint and stitch with a disregard of the divisions of medium usage and application that often define the world of painting and textiles. Drawing inspiration from the world in front of her, Cas thrives on the challenges of the unforeseen and unexpected. The work on show is as much guided by the materials she works with as it is to her connection to her ideas about landscape and nature. She is fascinated by objects with a story to tell, cast-off sheets and clothing, handwritten papers, and the history of what we do with them and the familiarity they have in our own life.
This exhibition marks the publication of her fourth book, Textile Landscape by Batsford (2018)
This exhibition is available to tour 2020/21